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Hi! Since you are very audibly focused in your project efforts, may I recommend you entertain at least the idea of making a Digital Sequencer? I can't play any instrument and I know nothing about notes, but on a Digital Sequencer I can compose music

It would need at least 20 tracks for instrument samples to be any good at all but the standard is actually 64. That is sufficient for even the most complex compositions. If you do take on this project, please make MP3 and WAV(PCM) two of the formats it would export to, but have an internal (native application) format that keeps the digital samples seperated and object oriented for easy edits. (Project level saves)
Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.

- DJ Pantha
DifferNet Web Radio

DJ Pantha , 14.01.2020, 09:02
Idea status: under consideration


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